Pamplona II: Full Throttle
By Annelise Beck & Josiah Schwab

Each of these puzzles are standard Nikoli puzzles, rethemed to include bulls in some manner. Solve the puzzles and then determine the prompted numbers.


A = The number of bulls that are not orthogonally adjacent to a numbered square = 6

B = The number of bulls on the perimeter (outermost rows and columns) of the grid = 5


C = The number of times the loop intersects 4 or more consecutive white bulls = 5

D = The number of times the loop intersects 2 or more consecutive black bulls = 7


E = The number of cells connecting the yellow bulls (including the cells with the bulls) = 26

F = The number of cells connecting the violet bulls (including the cells with the bulls) = 20


G = The number of bulls inside the fence = 13

H = The number of bulls outside the fence = 18


  • (A - C) + (E - G) + 5 = 19
  • (A - C) + (F - H) + 17 = 20
  • (A - D) + (E - H) - 6 = 1
  • (A - D) + (F - G) + 7 = 13
  • (B - C) + (E - G) + 3 = 16
  • (B - C) + (F - H) + 3 = 5
  • (B - D) + (E - H) - 2 = 4
  • (B - D) + (F - G) + 0 = 5

Reading the numbers (A=1, B=2, etc.) gives the answer STAMPEDE.