Pamplona II: Full Throttle

[[ Printed copy can be picked up in Dwinelle 123 ]]


Place bulls according to the following rules:

  • Bulls may be placed in any of the white squares.
  • Numbers in squares indicate how many bulls are orthogonally adjacent to that square.
  • Each bull can see from the square it is on in both directions along its row and column until a black square or the edge of the grid.
  • Every white square must be seen by a bull, but a bull must not be able to see another bull.

A = The number of bulls that are not orthogonally adjacent to a numbered square

B = The number of bulls on the perimeter (outermost rows and columns) of the grid


Draw a path which intersects all the bulls according to the following rules:

  • Make a single closed loop with lines passing through the centers of cells, horizontally or vertically. The loop never crosses itself, branches off, or goes through the same cell twice.
  • Lines must pass through all cells with bulls.
  • A line passing through a white bull must pass straight through its cell, and make a 90-degree turn (left or right) on at least one side of the white bull's cell.
  • A line passing through a black bull must make a right-angled turn in its cell, then it must go straight through the next cell on both sides.

C = The number of times the loop intersects 4 or more consecutive white bulls

D = The number of times the loop intersects 2 or more consecutive black bulls


Connect bulls of the same color according to the following rules:

  • Connect pairs having the same color with a continuous line.
  • Lines go through the center of the cells, horizontally, vertically, or changing direction.
  • Lines cannot cross, pass through the same cell twice, branch off, or go through the cells with bulls.
  • A line will pass through every empty cell in the grid.

E = The number of cells connecting the yellow bulls (including the cells with the bulls)

F = The number of cells connecting the violet bulls (including the cells with the bulls)


Draw a fence and place bulls according to the following rules:

  • Draw the fence so that it forms a single closed loop.
  • Fence segments pass through the centers of cells, horizontally, vertically, or turning. The fence never crosses itself, branches off, or goes through the same cell twice.
  • The fence does not pass through the cells with bulls or the cells with numbers.
  • The numbers show how many cells with bulls there are in the direction of the arrow.
  • Bulls cannot be orthogonally adjacent.
  • Each cell must contain a fence, a bull, or a number.

G = The number of bulls inside the fence

H = The number of bulls outside the fence


  • (A - C) + (E - G) + 5
  • (A - C) + (F - H) + 17
  • (A - D) + (E - H) - 6
  • (A - D) + (F - G) + 7
  • (B - C) + (E - G) + 3
  • (B - C) + (F - H) + 3
  • (B - D) + (E - H) - 2
  • (B - D) + (F - G) + 0